Speech for Peace: President Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize

For my records: Following is the transcript of President Obama's speech at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo on Wednesday 9th December 2009, as released by the White House: Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, citizens of America, and citizens of the world: I receive this honor with … Continue reading Speech for Peace: President Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize

Movie making… an art, technique, or just having fun!

WordPress has extended the video contest... reminds me of all the animotos I put together last year... starting with, The Chase! The Chase We can't quit... until we begin Attitude on Times Square Come to Kebec S...lush Captured... in the Big Apple! Take a hike... to Mahabaleshwar Gateway to NY Music from the 'art Romancing … Continue reading Movie making… an art, technique, or just having fun!

Boom, Bust, or Echoes of the next Debt Bomb…

While on the subject, interested in watching The Slaves of Dubai? Click  here.